Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is essentially a state of mind where we are more receptive to suggestions. It typically sees the individual in a relaxed state where they can get absorbed in their own imagination.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is fundamentally a simple, down-to-earth, and safe therapy. By evoking a powerful response in our imagination hypnotherapy can illicit both cognitive and behavioural change.

What happens when you are hypnotised?

Because hypnosis is utilising a persons imagination for therapeutic change it is very subjective, therefore there is no standard hypnotic experience. However, typically a person will be very relaxed with their imagination focused on a particular suggestion of a thought or feeling.

Will I lose control under hypnosis?


A person will be mentally very active and usually completely aware of everything that is being said to them, and to what is going on around them.

A hypnotist cannot make you do anything that you do not want to do, you are always in control.

What can hypnotherapy help with?

The British Medical Journal published a ‘Clinical Review’ of hypnosis and stated that there was ‘good evidence from randomised controlled trials’ that hypnosis effectively reduced stress. It also advocated that it was effective for panic disorders, insomnia, obesity, anxiety and phobias. Furthermore controlled trials also supported its use for treating both chronic and acute pain.

What is CBT? Why merge CBT and Hypnotherapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a highly effective psycho-therapy and is widely endorsed by both NICE (The National Institute for Clinical Excellence) and by APA (American Psychological Association). There is strong research supporting the use of CBT for a wide range of issues, and there is good research to suggest that when hypnotherapy is married to CBT the resulting treatment is significantly more effective.

Meta-analyses have established that Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy is more effective than CBT alone for the treatment of obesity, pain, phobia, obesity, and anxiety.

How many sessions would I need?

This all really depends on your presenting issue. But CBH is a very effective form of treatment and typically a treatment plan would last between 4 - 8 sessions.

It also depends on how pro-active the person is, and how much time they are willing to give to the exercises and techniques between sessions.

Can anyone be Hypnotised?

Most people can be hypnotised as long as they are willing and able to focus their attention

Where are you based?

I’m based in South East London and can see people one to one in Blackheath or Greenwich. Alternatively treatment is just as effective virtually.